Domain-Driven Design: The First 15 Years

Domain-Driven Design

The First 15 Years

Essays from the community

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Fifteen years after the publication of "Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software" by Eric Evans, DDD is gaining more adoption than ever. To celebrate the anniversary, we've asked prominent authors in the software design world to contribute old and new essays.

With contributions by Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Alberto Brandolini, Martin Fowler, Mathias Verraes, Cyrille Martraire, David West, Mel Conway, Indu Alagarsamy, James Coplien, Scott Wlaschin, Anita Kvamme, Alexey Zimarev, Weronika Labaj, Scott Millett, Paul Rayner, Vladik Khononov, Avraham Poupko, Einar Landre, Julie Lerman, Jef Claes, Kenny Baas Schwegler, Michiel Overeem, Jeremie Chassaing


Domain-Driven Design: The First 15 Years Traditional Chinese, translated by the @DddTaiwan community.