Raimond Brookman

Raimond Brookman

Principal Architect | Area Lead Software & Architecture | Info Support
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· Improve your Productivity *and* Cost-Effectiveness by Challenging Context Boundaries


Raimond Brookman is Principal Architect and Technology Area Lead Software & Architecture at Info Support
Since 1994 he has been working in IT designing and programming software systems at the Software, Solution and Enterprise level with diverse architectures such as client-server, N-Tier, SOA and now for 5+ years microservices-based systems. He is passionate about architecting systems that deliver business results and are kept maintainable.

Improve your Productivity *and* Cost-Effectiveness by Challenging Context Boundaries (Talk, Main Conference)
by Raimond Brookman

The Strategic Design part of DDD is a strong concept that is often overlooked. I see teams applying DDD but only focussing on their own "context". With a microservices architecture, this problem becomes more apparent, leading to "reinventing the wheel" and multiple teams building overlapping functionality. While it initially can help to reduce TTM by saving on coordination, the maintainability burden quickly can become a problem and spin out of control. In this talk, I will highlight how, instead of needing more and more developers, carving out Sub Domains and redrawing your Bounded Context boundaries helps you to evolve to an architecture that balances Productivity and Cost-Effectiveness.

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